"Spiritually guided life energy"
I am excited to now be offering reiki in my healing practice. I was first attuned in 1998 in London, UK, but never really practiced until the last year or so. ​My attunement in Kelowna, BC (2023) has been a beautiful addition to the energy healing work I have been practicing for years. It was a great reminder that my mind has to get out of the way of the healing and trust the process!
Reiki can be offered with gentle hands-on, hands slightly off the body, or from a distance (which is what I offer). Universal Life Energy flows through the body, reminding the body of its natural healthy way of being.
Receiving a reiki session is a beautifully relaxing experience, where little dialogue is exchanged. Clients report feeling better in all sorts of ways - physical as well as emotional, psychological and spiritual.