
"Clare has been amazing. She brought me back from the brink of despair with her caring words and advanced techniques. Our sessions felt like she had fast forwarded me through, without having to do 20 years of trauma talk therapy. She is a professional who is lovely, gracious, kind, knowledgeable and provides a safe space. I don't know where I would be without her counselling. Thank you Clare!"
"Clare was easy and pleasant to work with and I found myself talking A LOT, spouting random events. I remember feeling a bit embarrassed by my chattiness, and Clare explained that none of it was random to the brain and that it was pulling certain stories and events for a reason. She magically and gently wove the seemingly unrelated events into a common theme had become my default modus operandi. For me, it is very important to understand the “why”, and Clare was able to connect the dots in areas that I had had spent years working on. The EMDR treatment itself was very gentle in my opinion, yet the changes since starting the sessions have been profound. And in a relatively short time. Clare is a brilliant, gifted, compassionate and highly professional therapist. I have whole-heartedly recommended her to my friends and colleagues and will continue to do so."
"Clare has been such a wonderful support to me as I am learning to navigate life as a new mother, and find my identity in this life changing role! She has listened without judgement, and provided me with perspective, guidance and direction in a caring, nurturing and respectful way. I look forward to my time with her, when I can slow down and acknowledge what I am feeling, while she holds and provides a space for me to reconnect, and feel more grounded. She has helped me to move forward, and onward with more confidence and positivity."
"I have worked with Clare before and throughout the pandemic. At first, I was really attached to her office. I was so certain that over Zoom, it would be inefficient to use the Theta technique, the effects of EMDR would not be as strong and the insights would not be as deep. But I have been proven very wrong. We have all had to pivot in some aspects during these unprecedented times and without the distractions and rituals of a traditional in person visit, Zoom allows us to cut to the chase much quicker. Clare's direct approach definitely shines through the screen. Her keen insights come across gently yet consistently throughout our hour-long sessions. This is a testament to her sharp focus and dedication to her clients.
Working with Clare helps me to break free from reliving my trauma and empowers me to develop self sovereignty instead. I am very thankful to have Clare in my corner. "
"Meeting Clare a month or so prior to my labour date was such a blessing. She made me feel safe, more prepared and helped me approach my child's birth with love. Learning to visualize meeting my baby through guided meditation helped me relax in the moment and I was able to take that imagery home with me and build on it. I still seek out guided mediation sessions with Clare as it's a real treat and sanctuary time as a new mom."